Aug 9, 2018 | Maintenance Tips
Cleaning your Natural Stone “After a summer filled with nonstop grilling fests, family gatherings, and just general outdoor fun and wear and tear, it’s important to properly clean natural stone around your home—whether it’s outdoor granite countertops, stone...
Aug 3, 2018 | Maintenance Tips
Cleaning Porch Light If you have glass light fixtures that are easily removed, bring them inside and wash in a dishpan of warm water with gentle soap. If the fixtures must stay in place, turn the power off and carefully wipe the exteriors with a damp microfiber cloth;...
Jul 20, 2018 | Maintenance Tips
Give your washer and dryer some TLC In these dog days of summer, you’re probably sweating through a few more outfits than usual. (No? Just us?) If you’re buried in laundry, you’ll want to make sure your washer and dryer can handle the load. Nurture...